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Yes, employees need mental health literacy. Two clinical psychologists explain why.
Only 26% of manufacturing firms can measure the impact employee mental health has on costs such as disability & health care claims. We can do better.
Can spending less time in bed improve insomnia? Short answer, yes.
We recognize that we can’t effectively help millions back to good mental health if we don’t first take care of our team.
Investing in effective mental health care is a good human and financial decision.
There is often a disconnect between the stated desire to provide support and the actions taken to improve employee mental health.
To shed light on how to reduce inequities in mental health care, Big Health’s CEO and Co-founder Peter Hames moderated a Q&A at the BGH conference.
Media makes us believe that therapy is simply laying on a couch revealing our deepest secrets. We aim to correct that misconception.
At Big Health, quality is critical to our mission of helping millions back to good mental health.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month: a time to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and encourage conversation about mental health.